How to use Board Game Geek’s User Collection
This is a fantastic tool for keeping track of your board game collection and sharing your list with friends. It is a free service and a great resource.
Unpacking Arvis Games' Kickstarter Journey
As I eagerly awaited the arrival of Board Royale-The Island, the comments of discontent from fellow backers discouraged me. Talk of damaged components, missing cards, and months of silence from Arvis Games painted a bleak picture of what was to come. Skepticism gnawed at my excitement as the delivery date came and went, leaving me with nothing but apprehension.
Pursuing Your Passion
The short version:
Find the one thing you really want to dedicate yourself to. Give (at least) 15 minutes to pursue that goal daily.
Develop good daily habits of nutrition, exercise, and meditation. Make time to spend with your family and friends.
Don't give up!