The Man-Eating Wife: A Darkly Humorous Folklore Adventure
Tales of Bedlam Micah Shatswell Tales of Bedlam Micah Shatswell

The Man-Eating Wife: A Darkly Humorous Folklore Adventure

Imagine sitting around a campfire, trading the spookiest stories you know—except this one's true, and it's got a twist that will make you squirm and chuckle. Join Micah, Dustin, and our better halves, the delightful Sandy and Andrea, as we recount the jaw-dropping escapades of "The Man-Eating Wife, the Little Old Woman and the Morning Star."

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Prince and the Three Fates
Tales of Bedlam Micah Shatswell Tales of Bedlam Micah Shatswell

Prince and the Three Fates

With more twists than a desert serpent, this tale follows a king's futile attempt to shield his son from fairy-prophesied doom. You'll be in stitches as we dissect fairy tale logic, chuckle at the king's unorthodox child-rearing, and contemplate whether a well-guarded castle is indeed foolproof against a dog, a serpent, or a crocodile.

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